Legal Interpreting

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  • $65.00

This collection of projects offers Professional Studies RID CEUs, plus the Legal Specialization credit for SC:L and other state legal interpreting license requirements. CEUs range from 0.5 - 1.0 (see below). 

1. LEGAL VOCABULARY FOR INTERPRETERS:  For this projects, you define any 50 legal words that best fit your current professional work or educational curiosity from a legal dictionary source of your choice. You then watch examples of ASL interpretations of legal terminology and choose videos to watch from our YouTube Channel Library about issues in legal interpreting. (The link for videos is given to you upon registration).  Lastly you write a final reflection of what you learned and how it applies to your interpreting work. Cost: $65/project. CEUs: 0.5 RID CEUs in Professional Studies + Legal Studies per project.


For these projects you read one of the book selections independently and answer from a list of thoughtful short essay questions to show our engagement with the text.  You then send your written answers back to iCEU Central to earn 1.0 CEUs in Professional Studies.  Cost: $95/project.  (more information about these projects are in the Cultural Books Category on the website)

  • Voices from the Edge: This book gives a historic account and explanation of the American with Disabilities Act.   1.0 RID PS CEUs ($95) + Legal Studies credit
  • Legal Rights, the Guide for DHH People Sharpen your understanding of the laws that give Deaf people accessibility and civil rights.  1.0 RID PS CEUs ($95) + Legal Studies credit
  • Enabling Act: The Hidden Story of how the ADA gave the Largest US Minority It's Rights: Peek behind the curtain for an inside view of the bipartisan efforts and community advocates who enacted the ADA and its subsequent impacts on Deaf community.  1.0 RID PS CEUs ($95) + Legal Studies credit

All project curriculum is copyrighted by iCEU Central, LLC.  All books outlined in these projects must be obtained by the participant to comply with copyright law. All RID CEUs are overseen & administered by RID CMP Sponsor: Ginevra Deianni.  

A Note about CEU calculations: CEUs are calculated at a passive-learning 2:1 time-to-CEU ratio, per RID rules for CMP Activities of this genre.  If you have any questions about the time calculations or pre-approved CEU amounts, please contact us.