Video Modules for Interpreters!
Each of these projects exposes participants to videos from well known and respected open-source materials on the internet (ie: TedX, RIT, Gallaudet University, etc) on topics in Deaf culture, interpreting skills, and specialty topics to earn CEUs. RID CEUs are overseen & administered by RID Sponsor: Ginevra Deianni.
What is it?: Participants watch videos from iCEU Central's library collection (link provided to videos), take notes, and write reflection essays on what they have learned. (For Music Interpreting Practice: Participants examine their own interpretations and assess grammar & classifier use.) No book purchases required - all videos are free, on-line. There is no specific time you must log in. You work at your own pace independently. (Any participant can return their reflections in video format using ASL instead of the written English documentation.)
Note: You can register for more than one of this project to cover different videos in this library for different learning objectives. They will be posted to your transcript as Part 1, 2, etc with this project title.
Chose from the following options in the drop-down menu. (PPO Projects labeled)
- Audism & Ableism for Interpreters (PPO)
- Black ASL for Interpreters
- Computer Science Technology
- Cultural Diversity Studies for Interpreters (PPO)
- Deaf Culture for Interpreters
- Disability Studies for Interpreters (PPO)
- Educational Interpreting for Interpreters
- Gender, Power & Privilege for Interpreters (PPO)
- Interpreting Profession Topics
- LGBTQIA & Heteronormativity for Interpreters (PPO)
- Medical Interpreting for Interpreters
- Mental Health Interpreting for Interpreters
- Music Interpreting for Interpreters
- Professional Ethics for Interpreters
- Race & Privilege for Interpreters (PPO)
- Self Care for Interpreters
- Social Justice & Oppression for Interpreters (PPO)
Each projects earns 0.5 RID Professional Studies CEUs
Cost Each: $55
* Each of the above project topics can be done more than once. There are enough videos in iCEU Central's video library to do several of each category. By choosing different videos for each project iteration, your CEUs will be posted to your RID transcript as separate projects.
Email us anytime to ask for curriculum specifics on any project, or sample questions/materials. We want you to feel comfortable with what you are registering for.
All project curriculum is copyrighted by iCEU Central, LLC. All RID CEUs are overseen & administered by RID CMP Sponsor: Ginevra Deianni.
A Note about CEU calculations: CEUs are calculated at a passive-learning 2:1 time-to-CEU ratio, per RID rules for CMP Activities of this genre. If you have any questions about the time calculations or pre-approved CEU amounts, please contact us.